Love And Hate Relationships

Love And Hate Relationships

Love and hate relationships so, I moved to be with my BF about a year and a half ago and while the relationship is great, I absolutely hate where we live. He can’t leave because his son is here and I would never expect him to be anywhere but where his kid is.  The reasons I hate it here…well it is extremely expensive, we pay $1500 for about 500 sq ft apt, and the weather sucks. I didn’t realize winters were so long and cold here, and I hate winter.  I am a perpetual summer lover.

Love And Hate Relationships

I lived in the desert for 8 years and never once missed the change of seasons, I love the heat.  It is also really hard to meet people.  I joined a lady’s group that meets once a month, I go to the gym hoping to make some friends in class, and I have met one close girlfriend in the 18 months I’ve been here.  Totally unlike me, when I moved to the desert I didn’t know a soul and within a few months I made friends that I am still friends with 12 years later, it’s more like home there than the place I grew up.  For more informative blogs visit Place Do

I’ve always had a large social circle, lots of friends, and lots of opportunities to go out, travel, and simply have fun.  I AM BORED SENSELESS!!  My BF is a great guy but he doesn’t like to go out much, we both struggle to make money so we can’t afford to go to dinner much or anything else really.

He can’t travel much because of his custody schedule, %50 custody and I was used to traveling often, at least a weekend a month somewhere.  Love and hate relationships We Love and hate relationship is a mountain town and the closest city is 2 1/2 hours away…we have to cross 2 mountain passes to get there, it’s fine in the summer but in the winter it’s like a prison for me here.  I have tried skiing, but I hate being cold so it sucked.  I bought snow shoes so I am going to try that and hope it’s at least a good workout.

I’m lonely, bored, and running out of ideas on how to make this work for me.  I hate to give up a great guy but I am falling deeper into depression by the day.  He’s happy to sit at home and has been raising his son alone since the kid was 4 months old so he doesn’t really care that much about going out etc, which is great that he is a responsible parent and a good guy but I need some social life. He gets fulfilled by his work, he does what he loves, and gets to hang with his friends during work so when he gets home he’s good.

Most of the time I’ve either been hanging at home alone or taking off on alone to shop or anything just to keep from going insane.  I accept every invitation I get to go with any girls, even if I really don’t want to. I got involved in the community organization, work 3 jobs, and even joined a couple of meet-up groups.  What sucks is our town is off the beaten path so almost everything requires a drive and in the winter it sucks driving on mountain roads.

I sometimes feel like he knew who I was and now it’s like I am supposed to be a Suzy homemaker which is a fate worse than I can imagine for myself. When he talked about me coming here he talked about going to cool places and having adventures and fun and now I’m like WTH happened to do that stuff, he says life gets in the way. I mean I would never want him to forego time with his kid but we have 3 or 4 days a week when he isn’t here.

I even started cooking so I’d have an indoor activity to pass the time, seriously it’s depressing to be so damn domesticated,  Maybe I am just not cut out for a Love and hate relationship.  I’ve never married or had kids because this is exactly the life I wanted to avoid.  I feel like I have to lay in my bed because my choices made this bed, and he is a solid good guy, isn’t that whatever a woman wants?  My Mom says I should suck it up because good guys are rare, and I do know that but what if I am unhappy.  Not with him but with every single other aspect of my life, I am miserable.  Do I stay for the man or leave for a life?

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